Podcast: Parenting Your "Nearly Grown" JUST. GOT. EASIER.
Does the topic inflation need to be difficult to cover? No. The lessons they need to learn are so important. It affects so many of the decisions they'll need to make on their own. Teach 'em the basics now. Here's a simple explanation, and an easy to use example
AND 5 "what now" steps
If you opened your wallet and there was less money in it than you expected, you'd want to know why.
You'd want to know how.
You'd want to know how to to prevent it from happening or at least slow it down.
Your "almost grown" child needs to know it as well.
Soon they will be managing their own money and their own budget. Every drip of knowledge and advice you can slip into their still-forming brain is helpful.
Have you looked at your teen and thought:
Myth: My teen doesn't understand the value of a dollar
Truth: They DO understand - but is it the right definition?
Why does this matter? Odds are high that your teen doesn't have the right concept of a dollar. Not attaching the right concept to money easily leads to living paycheck to paycheck, debt, spending on less than needed items before necessities. Teaching this concept isn't something you just want to leave to ...
30 Minutes. Just 30 Minutes can set your "nearly grown" child on the path to lifelong money management AND guess what? No helicopter parenting required.
Today's Podcast was (#P16) is pure parent gold. Click here to listen:
When you are done today, you will know exactly where to start and what to do to get them on a money planning road to success.
Plus, with 10 minutes more per week, you can put them into their own amazing habit-accountability system.
Parents, this involves setting up a strong foundation with the right emphasis points. It does not require mountains of time either. Do you have 30 minutes? Here's how to make that time count!
In this podcast episode we cover:
[2:30] Two Big Mistakes Parents Make
[3:38] Concepts your "nearly grown" NEEDS to understand (buy-in and quick results)
[4:30] 2 Fundamentals no matter the age
[6:14] The 30 Minute Starter Plan
[6:29] Step 1: The "Outside" Money
[6:44] Step 2:...
50% Complete
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