Here is what I would do . . .


#120 Considering pausing your career?  1/3 of those in the workforce are.  Re-entering it can be tough.  But laying the groundwork to stay relevant can smooth the way.  

It's never been so easy . . . or so hard.  

Are you thinking of leaving or pausing your career?  Thousands, if not millions in the Gen X, Y and Z are thinking the same thing.

Is leaving a job (or self-employment) a PAUSE or is it PERMANENT?

In complete transparency, you just don't know the answer to that very crucial question.  You may feel this is only a gap, and you'll re-enter at some point.  Or you may think it is a permanent decision, and discover later that it wasn't a forever exit after all.  

What Circumstances ARE In Your Favor?  

Should you decide to re-enter at a later date, technology is on your side.  A majority feel working from home is desirable.  Online tools to...

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Are You Playing Checkers OR Chess?

 Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"  JUST.   GOT.   EASIER.  

#111  Do you want a network of friends/  associates and build meaningful relationships with all involved?  Then you must begin a framework with these 3 baseline steps.  

People often choose the slow way of learning instead of the fast way.

The phrase "build it before you need it" sums this up. 

Everyone knows the importance of connecting, building relationships and more for 1000's of reasons.  From friendships to business relationships laying groundwork should become a habit now.  Waiting till later only gives you missed opportunities. 

And this all starts with a workable framework.  It all begins with these building steps.  You can start now.  Following this method will work wonders in your people connections.  

In this podcast learn:

  • how many people most say they know
  • the #1 mindset to...
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Are you missing opportunities ?

 Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"  JUST.   GOT.   EASIER.  


#109  Quit looking back and thinking "wow, did I miss that opportunity".   Here are 3 ways, both big and small, to be able to say "I've got this!" 

"I've got this."   

That's a phrase loaded with major implications. 

Recently, I found myself looking in on someone that did NOT miss an opportunity.  Someone in this story can easily say "I've got this".  

What did they do?

This story is dramatic and a doozy.  Everyone I've told the story to would describe it the same way.  After listening to a quick rundown on it, I think you will as well.  

So what can we learn from this situation?  

In this podcast learn:

  • 3 moves (or more) on how you can be prepared and capitalize on networking, connecting, and more.
  • Hint:  Never be the smartest person in the room.  

This is...

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Great Lifetime Tool

   Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"   JUST.   GOT.   EASIER. 

 #103  Odds are you (or someone you know) will move soon.  Heading to college or a new job?  Big money and time are involved.  Most never consider this financial angle in their decision.  By doing this one thing you might save hundreds or thousands.   

Life Decisions Often Involve Moving to a New City.  Did you consider everything?

Before you jump in a car, train, or plane for that new job or new college, you have a big decision to make.  You might have 2 cities with two very similar job offers to select from.  You might be choosing a new college city among many possibilities.  

Stats suggest over 40 million people move per year.  How could you make a more educated city choice?

What Consideration Is Often Overlooked? 

No two cities cost exactly the same to live in.  Just...

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Easy habit to career building perfect for your child to learn

  Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"   JUST.   GOT.   EASIER. 

# 102 Your child has done amazing things in their short life already.   Do they recognize it?  Is it documented for later use?

Every day your child is building a list of accomplishments.  Every day.  Do they realize it?  And even more importantly, can they prove it or use it when they need to?  

Monthly, weekly, and maybe even daily your child builds skills that can be used for crucial life-moments.  From interviews, to talking points, to building self-confidence, they can learn to capture these accomplishments. 

In today's podcast, you'll learn of a way they can easily capture some of these needed life nuggets.  It's a skill they'll need and use for a lifetime.  

You Can Have Success in the Middle of it ALL

P.S. Want a deeper dive on finding and documenting accomplishments?  Read on . ....

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Looking 5-Minutes Forward To The Future


 Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"   JUST.   GOT.   EASIER.  


#98:  Yes, you can encourage your teen to get a "jumpstart" on their future right now, while it is easier than learning as an adult.   

Go back to your teen years.  
Compare those typical teenage+ years to what you know now.  

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Does what you "do" every day now (career, time) in anyway "fit" with what you thought, experienced, or spent time doing when you a mere teen? 
  • Did you ever think about your future?  Prepare for your future?

Odds are you didn't concentrate on the "after" of traditional high school or perhaps even during college if that's the educational route you took.  

But what if I told you that spending 5 minutes with your teen could help them focus in with intention on what they might want to do with their future? 


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4 Steps to Getting a Great Recommendation Letter

 Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"   JUST.   GOT.   EASIER. 

#92:  4 Steps to Getting Great Recommendations

Your child needs every tool available to succeed in this environment.  They just need to know a few points to increase the odds of getting that job, that college interview, that internship interview, that organization vacancy and more.

Learn these "secrets" to getting glowing recommendations that can help get them further and farther.  

"Hire that young man".
"Accept that applicant".
"You are in.  Orientation starts next week."
These are all wonderful phrases you want your "almost grown" adult to hear.

How can your child up the odds of hearing those statements?  Quite simply, they need to do just a bit more than most others will.  They need to take just a few extra steps to receiving recommendations that are not only good, but provide information that the interviewer or...

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This is a professional app. What should you consider?

  Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"   JUST.   GOT.   EASIER. 
"Does Your Teen Need This Professional App?"

  You know about TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
But is LinkedIn an app your teen should consider?

Is there a social media app that you should as a parent take a look at?  That's what this podcast is going to help you consider - and quickly.

In reality, there are strong reasons for "NO, this isn't for my teen" and strong reasons to actually consider encouraging your teen to join LinkedIn.   

Just for starters, in this podcast you'll learn:

  • What is the age requirement to join LinkedIn?
  • What does it mean when LinkedIn is described as "professional"?
  • Why would a teenager even want to be on LinkedIn?
  • Is LinkedIn for every teen?  What about your mini-you?

Get up to speed on this important question:  is LinkedIn a good fit for my teen?  Get ahead of the...

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10 Questions That Make High School Choices More Relevant

 Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"   JUST.   GOT.   EASIER. 
   "10 Questions Every Teen Should Answer." 

Your Teen Can Tap Into Their Future Potential Right Now 

As I watched my class of students intently absorb what I just handed to them, I realized I was tapping into something much larger than what was on that paper. 

What if kids were in a position to actually think about their future now while still in high school?  It results in more motivation, better decisions on courses, and so much more.

What was on that paper these students were reading?  Research about careers they might be interested in.  Now let me make the following statement clear:  very few students know what they want to pursue as a career while in high school.  But wouldn't it be wonderful if they did know enough to rule things in and out, to give lessons a meaning beyond a textbook...

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Your Teen Emails. Now You Can Make Them Count

 Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"   JUST.   GOT.   EASIER.  
 Your Teen Can Use Emails To Their Advantage 


My best day accomplishment days?  It's the days in which I run my "system".  In other words, when I get my important bases covered early.  
One of my biggest tools?  Email.  It just might be your big tool, too.  
But your teen?  Email just isn't a big deal to them.  It should be, however.  From receiving emails from potential employers, to college admissions, the world still reaches out to us through email.  (of course we have many new methods, but email is still the direct communication king in the adult-world).
Therefore, getting your teen into the habit of sending and receiving emails early in the High School game is a great parent move.
But handling emails can do SO much more for your teen.  
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