Start An Accomplishment ToolBox Today

 You think your teen (ok, you hope) your teen has been recording all the wonderful skills and accomplishments they have earned and achieved.  On top of that, you trust your child has kept ALL the proof/documentation they will ever need.  Rest assured, they will need them - many times over.

And then . . . high school, or college, or that 1st job starts.  There are now 1000 things they need to do each day.  Of course, you are beyond busy, too.

Then it happens.  That 1st deadline.  They not only need skills and documentation for a resume or application, but the deadline looms.  And your ever-prepared "nearly grown"?  Well, not so much.  But this scenario does not have to happen.

What if your child (and not you) had prepared ahead, had all their "bragging" ready, and secondarily built up self-confidence by seeing their accomplishments?  You are in the right spot to learn how.  

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