5 Alternatives to You Being their Holiday ATM

 Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"   JUST.   GOT.   EASIER. 
   "Does Your Teen Need Holiday Spending Money?  Here's How." 


Guess what happens during almost any holiday? 

Your Teen's Need for Cash. 

Is the answer YOU as their ATM? Learn 5 Alternatives.

Buying Gifts. Spending Money. Gas Money.   All of this and more simply skyrocket during the holidays.  Especially for our "almost grown" kids.

The Good News in all of this?  Opportunity.

You look all the time for ways to teach your "almost grown" skills - without them recognizing it.  The holidays simply help we parents with both:  money in our kids pockets AND learning life skills as well.

Today's podcast >> 5 Money Making Ideas for the Holiday Teen.  You'll learn:

  • 5 Great Money Making Ideas that can start as early as THIS weekend
  • Learn how add a "twist" to any Holiday Venture to Increase...
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Skip Your "Nearly Grown's" Gift List. These 3 are Amazing

Podcast: Parenting Your Nearly Flown   JUST.  GOT.  EASIER.

Have you gotten your "list" yet?  You know the one. . . the one that has expensive gift ideas on it that generally wear out within days.  Plus, money is tight and that list . . . well, it isn't "tight" at all.  

But you CAN give items that are true gems.  They don't cost much and in fact, one can be done for free.  As parents we search and search for ways to teach them while they are in this last season.  These 3 ideas are fabulous ways of doing it.  

3 GREAT Gift Ideas for Your "Nearly Grown" >>> (see podcast at top )

  • Did you know your "nearly grown" CAN invest very little money and have a blast watching things grow?  YES!
  • PLUS, there are 2 more ideas you can use from this podcast as well. 
  • (Note, we have no affiliation with anything mentioned here...we just care to pass on dynamite info you can use)

Teaching our kids is just different...

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