Who's Your Boss? How's That Going?

  Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"   JUST.   GOT.   EASIER.  

#110  You've got at least 2 bosses.  One of them stares back at you in the mirror.  So how are you doing ... boss?  Are you stopping or helping yourself as you connect with others?

You're Not The Boss of ME!  said every sibling or childhood friend - everywhere.  

But we DO have at least 2 bosses in our life. 

The "main boss" - you - has the potential to be the best boss ever or the worst one.  That "boss" you have, helps you connect with others and builds your future.

Considering "firing" that "old boss" and hiring a new one?  Then this podcast is for you.  

In this podcast learn:

  • a system to design and reach the type of "boss" you really want to be
  • what really matters in creating your "network"
  • the #1 thing people you talk to are really saying
  • a concrete habit to push out...
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Are you missing opportunities ?

 Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"  JUST.   GOT.   EASIER.  


#109  Quit looking back and thinking "wow, did I miss that opportunity".   Here are 3 ways, both big and small, to be able to say "I've got this!" 

"I've got this."   

That's a phrase loaded with major implications. 

Recently, I found myself looking in on someone that did NOT miss an opportunity.  Someone in this story can easily say "I've got this".  

What did they do?

This story is dramatic and a doozy.  Everyone I've told the story to would describe it the same way.  After listening to a quick rundown on it, I think you will as well.  

So what can we learn from this situation?  

In this podcast learn:

  • 3 moves (or more) on how you can be prepared and capitalize on networking, connecting, and more.
  • Hint:  Never be the smartest person in the room.  

This is...

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The Power Hour Plan

 Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"   JUST.   GOT.   EASIER. 

 #104  Not enough time but lots of lessons left to teach your teen?  Let's rock your last season with them.  Here's a roadmap that's sure to give you teaching time AND memorable moments.  It's Your Parent Power Hour!

If you are following my podcast you already know how much I believe in snatching moments here and there to teach teenagers valuable knowledge.  Why?  The more they know now, the less mistakes they'll make.  They'll be better equipped to handle things when something just doesn't work.  Feel free to file back to any podcast I've recorded and you will always have a concrete take-away to use that very day.  

Today is no different.  I am introducing you to a concept or a plan shall we say, that teaches you a system to methodically up your parent-game on giving your teen those last lessons that you...

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10 Items to Cover, and How to Plan Them In

 Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"   JUST.   GOT.   EASIER. 

#90:  Your Teen is Barreling Toward Life After Your House.  Here's 10 Items/Ways to Help Them Launch Smarter and More Prepared!

Here are 10 ideas (in 5 different critical categories) to help expand their thinking and help you sleep better at night

knowing you are finishing your parenting strong.

If you've ever thought to yourself  "they have so much more to learn" leaving you just a bit worried because you've run out of ways or topics to get them to think more as an adult, it could be because you are busy.

 It isn't because you don't care.  You think big and you want big things for your almost-out-the-door "mini you."   But what to cover and how can you pull it off?  

I suspect I am describing thoughts you've had a least some of the time and I've been there too.  I spent many a night while...

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The Great Teen 4X "Get It Done" Reset

 Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"   JUST.   GOT.   EASIER.  
 A Cure for "I Don't Have Time To Do That"

It's time.  It's time that teens learned how to get MORE out of the time they spend.  In fact, many teens can see an increase of 4x output or more by just a few small changes.
It's likely you've heard around your house: 
"I didn't get around to that."    "How can I possibly do that with all my other stuff?"
And yet . . . you go into their room and their "studying" hour is really only about 15 minutes of constructive use.
Some might think this is simply a time management lesson.  In reality, it is much broader than that.  The short term pay off to getting more output might be be better grades, picking up skills they need but never had the time for, and more.  But, again, it is so much more than that:  
One of the most important adult-type skills they need...
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It's the "Triple Crown" of Benefits

 Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"   JUST.   GOT.   EASIER.  
 Yes, Judge A Book By A Cover With These 3 Teen Payoffs 

Often, it's the little things.

It's the small steps that our kids that take slowly but surely build their connecting to the outside world.  

And the need to begin NOW connecting them to the "adult world" is important.  Less fear and more confidence, just to name a couple of obvious payoffs.  

But often we spend so much time looking for the BIG steps to getting our kids ready that we don't get anything accomplished.   

That's why today's podcast is special:

  • you'll learn how to use a simple book, yes, a simple book to get them looking "outside" of that box they've built for themselves and connect to adults
  • you'll plant a small seed that will let them feel that they can do more than they think they can.

For a super quick glance at this episode:

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Parents, Give It a Try

 Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"   JUST.   GOT.   EASIER.   

 How up to speed are you on:

  • money
  • current events
  • ways to sneak last bits of wisdom to your kids before they enter adult life?

Not sure?  Then this fun quiz (podcast link above) is for you. 

The questions in this podcast are designed to:

  • catch your "almost-out-the-door's" attention
  • show you how you can use current events and data to sneak in learning
  • and yes, impress your kids with some of today's current famous names

As our teens and young adults get older, the more they pay attention to "outside" sources.  As parents, when we learn to harness that crucial connection, it's a powerhouse way to not only communicate to them, but sneak in information they need to know.

Have fun with this.  Use the thought process as a guide to other ways you can "reach 'em."  

Till next time . . . and . . . 

You CAN Have Success...

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What Are You Doing This Weekend?

 Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"   JUST.  GOT.   EASIER.   

What lessons does your "nearly grown" teen or young adult still need to learn?  

And, how can you weave them into your busy parent-life?

With just one hour, you can pour 3 lessons/concepts/wisdom into your "almost out the door" child.  They get a little smarter and you get a bit less worry as they pull away and move into adulthood.  

In this podcast, learn how to cover these 3 crucial points in just 1-hr:
  • the concept of buying without debt
  • how much debt can really cost
  • the importance of safety devices (use and maintenance)
  • car accidents and what to do

When you narrow focus and concentrate on specific teaching points, you'll be surprised at what you can cover in a short amount of time.

So go ahead and challenge yourself to find that hour this weekend.   You'll be so glad you did.

As always . . . 


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Start Their Networking Skills NOW

   Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Flown"   JUST.  GOT.  EASIER. 

Networking. If ever there was a critical skill needed these days for our kids to survive and thrive in the "adult-world", networking would be on the Top 5 list.  

But our kids often don't get direct advice/training/practice on how to start conversations.  Practice helps reduce stress and fear.  You CAN help your "nearly flown" child with this Top 5 skill.  

This short podcast is designed to help you as a parent/grandparent/guardian:

  • bone up on conversation starter phrases
  • understand the 2 R's of good conversation with someone you don't know
  • discover a way to help your teen practice this needed skill

We know there is so much left you want to cover with your child . . .  and time grows shorter.  We've been in your shoes.  It is our fervent hope that this podcast and this episode can help you.  

And as...

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5 Minutes, 4 Weeks, and an Easy Plan to Your Better Prepared "Nearly Flown"

To Listen to Audio.... just click here:

We tend to make things so much harder than it needs to be.  We tend to get overwhelmed when teaching our "nearly grown" kids.

It's completely understandable . . . and avoidable.

There are things your "nearly flown" must know.  You intend to tell them or  teach them, but there's just SO much to cover.

That's where this podcast can help.  Learn:

  • How to conquer that "overwhelm" feeling in your last season with your child
  • How to start that learning ball rolling with just 5 minutes per week.
  • In just 4 weeks, you will look back to what you've accomplished.

As always, enjoy this season with your "mini-you" and 

You CAN Have Success in the Middle of it ALL

The JellyGeneration Team/Pam

Link Mentioned in the Podcast:

About JellyGeneration

Pam Hardison, MBA, BBA in Finance and Business Education, has created and co-owned a national mail order catalog which at one point was the 21st...

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