New Family Holiday Tradition You'll Love & a BIG Thank You

 We've made it to the end of 2021.  Wow.  

So much has happened.  I truly wish we could just sit and talk about this year, what it meant, share each other’s holiday plans, and the up and down joys of raising kids. 

But since that isn't quite possible, I'd like to vary from our normal educational format just this once.  I’ve got a wonderful holiday tradition to share that you just might want to adopt at your house.  

But before I do that, let me give you a quick programming head’s up for the 1st week in January.  

1st Week in January Podcast:
"What Teens Can Do With Their Holiday Gift Money" (or at any time of the year)

Did your teen receive money this holiday season thru a gift from Grandma? Or did they earn money?  In short, do they have money that needs to be put into action?  Or will they at some point this coming year have a bit of extra jingle in their pocket?  It's a wonderful ...

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New Teen+ Voter? 10 Great Parent "Need To Knows" (non-partisan)

Hi Parents:

Did you watch the DNC and RNC conventions?  I did.  Pretty exciting.  

Do you have a first-time voter at your home?  Are they ready to imploy one of the greatest privileges they have? 

Yes, our teens (and of course, we parents) get so busy that we don't realize that we have to plan just a bit to get them registered and able to vote on election day.

I'll never forget helping my two kids get ready/registered and up to speed on voting.  Did you know you can't take a photo inside the voting area?  Well, at least you can't where I live.  But never fear, yes, I did get my photo - which I know (ha) they will thank me for later.  

Is your child moving (or just moved) to college?  Did they just take a job in another city? 

Then THIS podcast episode of "Parenting Your "Nearly Flown"  Just. Got. Easier" is for you.  By the way, this podcast is non-partisan and our 10 great points fit everyone.

Getting them...

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Sneak Learning Into This Election Season

Get your kids involved.  It's election season.  Set them up for learning AND to be a life-long participator in the democratic process.

Their BONUS?  Not only will they understand what voting means to them personally BUT they can have a resume builder/essay starter/attention grabbing college interview point - and so much more.  

Yes, we parents can use this season for our "nearly grown" child's educational advantage.  How?  

Stealth learning, that's how.  As our kids get older, their friends/peers become more influential and we parents, well, our reach begins that downward, organic slide.  That's not such a bad thing in the long run - - - but it sure does leave we parents scrambling to drive home those last important lessons before our kids fly off into adulthood.  

****Speaking of stealth, we have an interesting side note in election history included at the end of this podcast.  Wow, 3 huge traditions began over 180...

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Did your teen miss the Historic Presidential Moment? It isn't too late.

1st Historic Teachable Moment in 12 years

These moments don’t happen often, thank goodness.  Think back to 2006.  That’s the last presidential funeral we’ve had in the United States until now. (Reagan, 2004 and Nixon, 1994).

Do you remember when they would wheel in those carts with tv’s on them during school so we could see the moon landings, the rocket launches, and other historic moments?  We do. 

But perhaps your teen’s school didn’t or doesn't do this.  It isn't too late to capture the teachable moment for your teen.  

Did you know that . . . 

nearly every detail planned for a Presidential funeral is historical?

  • Who had the first 16 cannon salute?  President George Washington
  • The first president to die in office?  President Harrison, 1841

Want more interesting information?  Here’s a great link to explore with your teens:  Hat Tip:


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NOW is the time to set up Voting Eligibility for your 18+ Year Old


We’ve talked so much in the past about how to instill in our kids the values and motivations to be successful.  As parents we want our kids to be achievers, take responsibility, and own the world around them.  You’ve worked hard to instill in them a reliable set of practices, habits and commitments that will help carry them through to life, marriage, and maybe grandkids! 

Now comes an important task that you can't do until they are near aged 18.  

Do you remember when they first voted at their high school for class officers?  Or helped a friend run for office?  Hopefully your kids school did that.  I have to tell you that I never had the courage to run for a school office.  I was camera shy in  high school – and here I sit in front of a camera.  Who knew!  I had my finger in many pies, but just not the running for office one.  But my kids did. 

Little did I realize, but after they won...

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