Buying Gifts. Spending Money. Gas Money. All of this and more simply skyrocket during the holidays. Especially for our "almost grown" kids.
The Good News in all of this? Opportunity.
You look all the time for ways to teach your "almost grown" skills - without them recognizing it. The holidays simply help we parents with both: money in our kids pockets AND learning life skills as well.
Today's podcast >> 5 Money Making Ideas for the Holiday Teen. You'll learn:
Today's Podcast (click above) delivers HELP for the weary parent!
So how DO you get your teen from a slug-bug sleep till noon vacation syndrome TO thinking and learning - almost without knowing it?
That's our topic for today. School's out and it's a HUGE opportunity for them to associate learning with FUN and how it fits in the "real world".
When you are done, you will have 2 SUPER ideas both stealthy, yet educational. They are great for say . . . age 8th grade thru the college ages.
Note: they don't have to involve you as a helicopter parent but I've thrown in a twist or two that will have you WANTING to participate!
#1. Fun/Educational Move - Be a Stock Jock
[1:34]. How to pick a stock, set up fun competition among family and even friends (zoom anyone?) and declare a stock tycoon winner in the end. No stock broker background required. Learn how to easily set this up. [5:00] Up the...
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