Great Lifetime Tool

   Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"   JUST.   GOT.   EASIER. 

 #103  Odds are you (or someone you know) will move soon.  Heading to college or a new job?  Big money and time are involved.  Most never consider this financial angle in their decision.  By doing this one thing you might save hundreds or thousands.   

Life Decisions Often Involve Moving to a New City.  Did you consider everything?

Before you jump in a car, train, or plane for that new job or new college, you have a big decision to make.  You might have 2 cities with two very similar job offers to select from.  You might be choosing a new college city among many possibilities.  

Stats suggest over 40 million people move per year.  How could you make a more educated city choice?

What Consideration Is Often Overlooked? 

No two cities cost exactly the same to live in.  Just...

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For the Informed Parent of a Teen

 Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"   JUST.   GOT.   EASIER. 


#100 Big decisions loom for you and your "almost grown" child.  Get more information to help you take more informed HUGE steps.  

Decisions.  Constantly.  Never enough time.  Not enough information.  

It is also likely you thought that as your kids got older you'd find more time and have less decisions required.  Maybe you do make a few less decisions, but they often increase in importance.

That's why you are here today.  You want more information and less research time in order to make smarter decisions with and for your "almost grown" child.  

From trends High School grad jobs to ACT-SAT trends and college financing, I've gathered 10 articles you'll want to read.  Each will give you their opinions and research.  No, we are not connected to these businesses/institutions but we found them...

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Graduation Cancelled? No Worries, Make it Even Better

What if I told you that you could make your child the star of their own graduation, include all family members, friends, and yes, even school teachers/profs - and do it for little or no money?  Yes, you can make the most of this milestone, despite all the obstacles we face.  (note:  missing prom . . . then skip to bottom for a link to help)
[Cue the music] 
“Pomp and Circumstance” wafts through the room.  Your family is there.  Tears. Relief. The Future.  Your baby (or family member) is graduating.  
Can that moment still happen for your sweet graduate?  Actually, the answer of “yes” is closer to the truth than you think.

If your school has to cancel or postpone this major milestone (understandable, by the way), there are steps you can take to make that moment, that day, that achievement something to remember – just from a different perspective.  In fact, your child needs to...

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Graduating? Moving? Here's Decision Help

A Tale of Two Cities

It's no surprise that not all cities and their living costs are equal.  It then follows that salary offers and their buying power vary greatly by city.  

Sadly few of us moving to a new city stop and think about the wide swings in standards of living we might encounter.

New graduates contemplating two different cities in which to live don't consider this phenomenon either.  

The Critical Question?  
How much buying power does one job offer have over another?
Wouldn't it make sense to consider this very question before and during salary offers and negotiations? 

Do you want to avoid mistakes, create a leg up on negotiation tactics?  Then this article is tailor-made for you or your upcoming graduate.

Do you want to know what the cost of living is in any particular city?  Then this article is also for you.  

The cost of living varies GREATLY between cities.  
One mom of our students said:

"My child was so excited to be...

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