New Family Holiday Tradition You'll Love & a BIG Thank You

 We've made it to the end of 2021.  Wow.  

So much has happened.  I truly wish we could just sit and talk about this year, what it meant, share each other’s holiday plans, and the up and down joys of raising kids. 

But since that isn't quite possible, I'd like to vary from our normal educational format just this once.  I’ve got a wonderful holiday tradition to share that you just might want to adopt at your house.  

But before I do that, let me give you a quick programming head’s up for the 1st week in January.  

1st Week in January Podcast:
"What Teens Can Do With Their Holiday Gift Money" (or at any time of the year)

Did your teen receive money this holiday season thru a gift from Grandma? Or did they earn money?  In short, do they have money that needs to be put into action?  Or will they at some point this coming year have a bit of extra jingle in their pocket?  It's a wonderful opportunity to teach them how to put it to good use.  

It doesn’t have to be much cash actually.  In the podcast, I will assume they have  $100 to work with (but it can be less).  You’ll hear ideas to consider as you contemplate what to discuss with them about that money.  Be sure to tune in if you’d like to hear more about it.  It will be #85 “Gift of cash? It’s  Worth So Much More. Don’t want to miss it but afraid you’ll be too busy to remember?  Then subscribe to the podcast “Parenting Your Nearly Grown JUST GOT EASIER” on Apple Podcast.

A Great Holiday Tradition To Consider (or for anytime, really)

But back to today.  Let me tell you about a tradition I stumbled on that meant even more to me than to the recipients involved. 

Your cost: just greeting cards and stamps 

But what a big difference it CAN make and DID make for many others. Back in 2020 when Covid started, many of my friends parents were in nursing homes, assisted living, or at home by themselves.  Unable to visit them due to restrictions, we created a card mailing campaign.  I think there were about 12 of my friends involved.  Here's what we did that's easily replicable any time of the year.  Just

  • create a master list of every parent that fall into the category of unable to visit, or needed just an uplifting moment. 
  • each person in your group write EACH of those parents on a rotating basis.  I ended up writing about 15 cards over a 7 week period. 

My dad was one of the parents on the card-receiving list.  What happened?  Over the 7 week period he received 15 cards, one from each of my friends.  Did they know my father?  Some yes, some no.  They introduced themselves in the card and wrote down a memory of my friendship with them and just another sweet comment or two and signed their name.  My Dad (and all the other card recipients) cherished checking the mail each day looking for those uplifting cards.  Many parents, including my father, kept them and still mentions them to this day.  

How can this work at your house? 

Your writing group of friends could actually be your kids, your extended family or any group at all.  Just be willing to compile names and addresses of those that would really love a card.  In fact, if you are going to any kind of holiday or new year’s party, you could all spend just a few minutes writing the cards and simply mail them on a schedule.  Buying boxed cards isn’t a money-breaker.  I can promise you, you’ll end up getting more out of this than those you send cards to. 

Your mail recipients will go from "oh, it's just the mail" to "is the mail here yet?"

From The Heart

The end of the year practically snuck up on me.  Did it you as well?  Probably the BIGGEST lesson I learned in 2020 and 2021 is that staying in touch, waking up every day with a mission, and building friendships can truly, truly keep you afloat and sane.  You each are a part of the fabric that keeps me going forward.  Parents helping parents.  So from the bottom of my heart, I wish each of you a joyous season.  I’m a Christmas tree, caroling, candle lighting gal at this time of year.  But no matter how you celebrate the ending of 2021, I am sending you all my best (including my favorite recipe below) with a commitment to sending out crucial  information to help you navigate the last season you have before your “precious mini-you” heads out into that great big world. 

Ok, 2022, here we come!

Pam Hardison and the JellyGeneration Team


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