4 Steps to Getting a Great Recommendation Letter

👇 Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"   JUST.   GOT.   EASIER.👇 

#92:  4 Steps to Getting Great Recommendations

Your child needs every tool available to succeed in this environment.  They just need to know a few points to increase the odds of getting that job, that college interview, that internship interview, that organization vacancy and more.

Learn these "secrets" to getting glowing recommendations that can help get them further and farther.  

"Hire that young man".
"Accept that applicant".
"You are in.  Orientation starts next week."
These are all wonderful phrases you want your "almost grown" adult to hear.

How can your child up the odds of hearing those statements?  Quite simply, they need to do just a bit more than most others will.  They need to take just a few extra steps to receiving recommendations that are not only good, but provide information that the interviewer or organizer needs to know and hear.  

Everyone these days recognizes the world is changing and any tool or habit that our kids can learn now will help them stay ahead of whatever might come next.

No one wants to receive a milk-toast recommendation or even get turned down when asking for one either.  That's why taking these  steps significantly improves the odds of getting a timely, positive, to the point recommendation that any interviewer would love to read.  

In this podcast >>> Click Here

  • Learn 4 steps your child needs to take to help the recommendation writer do a fabulous job
  • Learn how to make the "asking" for a recommendation easier
  • Learn how to encourage someone to want to write a glowing letter

Here's a quick overview:

[1:38] Who should ask for the recommendation and why
[3:08] The one thing that makes the recommendation writer the most comfortable in saying yes, I'll be happy to write a letter of support
[4:20] Your child needs to start with their own letter.  Here's what it needs to include
[5:19] Make it fool-proof for your recommendation writer.  Here's how
[7:20] The best time to get recommendations is . . . 
[8:17] How much lead time does a typical writer need to get the letter written and delivered?
[9:20] Two Bonus ideas sure to impress the letter writer
Starting this process now while hopefully deadlines aren't looming sure takes  pressure off your child.  Not letting memories fade help get the sharpest and most to the point letters.  Hats off to you for caring to give your child this life-tool now.
And never forget . . . You CAN Have Success in the Middle of it ALL.
Link mentioned in the Podcast:
About JellyGeneration and
"Parenting Your Nearly Grown  JUST. GOT. EASIER."  Podcast

Pam Hardison, MBA, BBA in Finance and Business Education, has created and co-owned a national mail order catalog which at one point was the 21st fastest growing customer base in the nation.  As a mom of two post college daughters, she considers it a privilege and to meet other students and parents along the same road.   After teaching high school and college students for years, her commitment to helping them with topics most schools can't cover is the light that drives her.  

Holly Powers, Attorney-At-Law (Jameson & Powers, P.C.) has been actively practicing law since 1985 and is a shareholder with the law firm of Jameson & Powers, P.C.  The firm specializes in transactional law, health care law, and general business law.  Holly has taught students precepts concerning the legal world for over 10 years.  With 4 children, she understands what teens need to know and has a passion to help others faced with teens and aging parents. 

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