Bonus: This just might get your child to phone you and say hi, too

👇 Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"   JUST.   GOT.   EASIER.👇 

#93:  Stay In Touch The FUN Way

Saying so-long to your soon-to-be graduated child is hard.  Start today planning a method to keep all those parent-friends, your child's friends in your life.  
Right now is the perfect time to set up this FUN plan.  

You waved goodbye (or soon will) as your child drove off to their adult life while trying to hide your parent-tears. 

Now what? 

Do you have to say goodbye to those parent-friends you met over 12 years?  Must you lose touch with your child's friends you've grown to love like your own?  

In short?  No.  Having lived thru this goodbye scenario twice, I am happy to tell you there is a FUN way to keep in touch with everyone.  What's more?  There is a hidden BONUS in this method as well.  It's likely to actually get your child to phone home and say hi as well.  

In this podcast, I explain how you can set up a great way to stay in touch.  It's a fast podcast that covers: (listen here)

  • easy ways to include anyone you want in the plan
  • 2 ways to keep the cost low
  • what each guest needs to bring 
  • pitfalls to avoid (learn from my initial mistakes)

I have organized and attended many of these and each time I left happy to have caught up with everyone.  I also knew my daughter would be thrilled to hear from those parents she'd grown to love during her 12 years at home as well.  

This podcast covers the basics of how to do this.  As I recorded this podcast, my notes on how to make this an even more amazing experience for all took on what became a checklist (free) with great extras:

  • a step-by-step checklist to reduce your time and planning
  • gift ideas that fit a tight budget
  • more pitfalls to avoid that you really must avoid 
  • great ways to "up the game" on your plan with just a small twist

So if you don't want to take notes and you want to go deeper (still very easy) in your planning, snap this checklist up if it makes sense for you.  Click Below:

 Have a wonderful week and I please let me know how your gatherings went!

Yes, You CAN Have Success in the Middle of it ALL

About JellyGeneration and
"Parenting Your Nearly Grown  JUST. GOT. EASIER."  Podcast

Pam Hardison, MBA, BBA in Finance and Business Education, has created and co-owned a national mail order catalog which at one point was the 21st fastest growing customer base in the nation.  As a mom of two post college daughters, she considers it a privilege and to meet other students and parents along the same road.   After teaching high school and college students for years, her commitment to helping them with topics most schools can't cover is the light that drives her.  

Holly Powers, Attorney-At-Law (Jameson & Powers, P.C.) has been actively practicing law since 1985 and is a shareholder with the law firm of Jameson & Powers, P.C.  The firm specializes in transactional law, health care law, and general business law.  Holly has taught students precepts concerning the legal world for over 10 years.  With 4 children, she understands what teens need to know and has a passion to help others faced with teens and aging parents. 





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