Life Can Be Messy

For those that know us, you've seen our passion and commitment to habit creation.   When we teach our course, we are usually concentrate on how to take habits to advanced levels.  Actually, that does a disservice to the entire system.  Allow us for a minute to discuss habits on a level that fits nearly everyone - clutter.  Are you about to send you child off into the world?  Then send them with the gift of declutter habits.  

As families, we are all busy.  All the time.  Clutter creep happens to us and our kids.  Take an honest look at your house, your desk, or your drawers.  For those that have taken our "Hacking Your Habits" coaching series, you know that we LOVE teaching our habit creation system, and reducing your dependence on willpower to do the trick.   But when it comes to what exciting new habits to create,  we continue to emphasize that it can be so much MORE than just habits in managing your money,...

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Think Small

It’s January (and beyond) and the world around us has already lined up to tell us that those New Year’s resolutions we made generally will fail.   Just today I read articles with these titles: 

“Why do New Year’s Resolutions Fail?”
“Why 80% of New Year’s Resolutions Fail”
“New Year’s Resolutions are Bound to Fail by February”
“Why People Can’t Keep Their New Year’s Resolutions”

50% or More of Our Daily Lives Center around Habits

Why do we run from “habits” and  “resolutions”?  In truth, they are intertwined.  Few people discuss how habits form the basis for resolutions and goals.  In fact, extending the length of habits and even stringing habits together can achieve far more than most think possible. 

Most fear “habits”.  They shouldn’t.  Here’s why. . .

START small

Don’t make your goal or resolution...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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