Now What?

After working with countless high school students on potential career research, here is what I can report to we parents:

  • Our kids do have amazing career dreams
  • They have no idea what that potential career really requires
  • They are often shocked when they find out

 What happens then?

  • Are they heading in the wrong career direction?
  • Can they afford the career they are aiming for? (from the salary to the yrs of school ahead)?
  • Do they waste 2-4 years at the wrong college?

 What’s a parent to do?

1st:  Make a list.
As you probably know, our big parent move/wish is for every parent to make a “list” of things you want your “nearly flown” to experience and learn before they fly off.  It’s that gap between what they are learning in school vs. what we teach naturally at home that often trips we parents up.

Getting your child to research potential careers pays huge dividendswhen you place it on your “to-do” list for your kids. 

2nd:  Don’t assume “they don’t have a career idea yet.”
In fact, I’d describe the day students work on their career research as fascinating.  Students are truly interested, and often surprised at the results. 

Parents, don’t trip yourself up by thinking “they have no idea what they want to do with their adult life.”  Many don’t, in fact.  BUT, we have found they all have careers that “seem interesting” to them at this point.  That is a great jumping off point.

3rd: Get them started on that career research.
Here are 5 questions to encourage your “nearly flown” to answer.
  • Why does this career seem interesting to you?
  • What does a typical day for this career look like?
  • How much formal schooling does it require and what type?
  • How much does this career pay?
  • What is the future trajectory of this particular career?

There are lots of websites that cater to this particular type of information.

4th: Take this research “outside” into the “real world”.
Encourage your “nearly flown” to do several things.
  • Link up with someone currently in this field for an interview.
  • Find blogs and groups that are involved in this industry – and join up.
  • Where possible bring this research into the school classroom. Perhaps it can be worked in a research paper required in English, or an interesting school newsletter article.

Our Parent Payoff:

We want our kids to achieve their highest, so let’s encourage them to look and prepare for it.  We tend to find what we look for. 

You parent heart will be warmed as you watch your child pursue their dreams as they do this research. What an absolutely fascinating time our teens are living in.  Social media, and the research world opened up to them online can be such a positive force.   We parents often fret as to how to get our kids interested in learning.  

Researching their career will appeal to your child – almost naturally.  Enjoy it!

FYI:  If you want help on what to teach your "nearly flown"?  Here's an 8-STEP Parent Guide chock full of 8 teaching points with links and tips - created by and for parents previously in your shoes.  Just tell us where to send it.

Have a great week.  Go out and make it a wonderful day with your kids.   I will do the same!

And until later . . . .

YOU CAN Have Success in the Middle of it ALL.

Pam Hardison, JellyGeneration 

Show Notes/Links:
Who Is JellyGeneration?

Pam Hardison, MBA, BBA in Finance and Business Education, has created and co-owned a national mail order catalog which at one point was the 21st fastest growing customerbase in the nation.  As a mom of two college-post college daughters, considers it a privilege and to meet other students and parents along the same road.   After teaching high school and college students for years, her commitment to helping them with topics most schools can't cover is the light that drives her.  

Holly Powers, Attorney-At-Law (Jameson & Powers, P.C.) has been actively practicing law since 1985 and is a shareholder with the law firm of Jameson & Powers, P.C.  The firm specializes in transactional law, health care law, and general business law.  Holly has taught students precepts concerning the legal world for over 10 years.  With 4 children, she understands what teens need to know and has a passion to help others faced with teens and aging parents.

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