Your teen might have a resume, but what else might help?

👇 Podcast:   Parenting Your "Nearly Grown"   JUST.   GOT.   EASIER.👇 

Is a Resume Enough?  How Can My Older Teen Standout among the competition?

(Special Interview with Preston Bloskas, advisor to the Mays School of Business Board, Texas A & M University)
Your HS or College-aged child probably has the following coming soon . . . 
*interviews    *part-time job    *college apps    *organization apps  *scholarship apps
The list above could go on and on.   Perhaps they already have a resume.  
But there is one thing you can almost always count on these days:  competition.  Getting in colleges isn't a snap, and that part-time job has more applicants than SuperBowl viewership, and Ft. Knox doesn't have enough money for all those competing for scholarships your child is applying for.  
Is there anything that can help your child get noticed?   Perhaps there is.
In today's podcast, Preston Bloskas shares his "get noticed" strategy.  He felt LinkedIn was right for him as a "professional social media" connection.   Learn:
  • what he did to rise above the competition
  • how much time in college he spent updating and tracking 
    • hint:  not as much as you think.  

    • note: the LinkedIn age minimum has changed thru the years and it's now 16+

  • what his overall strategy was with LinkedIn and how it enhanced his resume
  • Several do's on a LinkedIn from his viewpoint
  • Several do nots on a LinkedIn from his viewpoint

 "The thing that helped me stand out from one finance major to another was adding strategic details on LinkedIn not on my resume.  It helped establish my credibility over others."  Preston Bloskas


Is LinkedIn right for your house and your older teen+?  Yes or No?

Just to be clear, I don't feel LinkedIn is for every older teen/college-aged child.  You'll often read editorials with just a "YES, do it" slant.  There are valid NO reasons to skip LinkedIn in my opinion, and of course valid reasons that it might be just the right move for your child.  I've outlined both sides to this important question in a prior post: if you'd like to go back and listen.  The more information you have as a parent, the better decisions you can make. 

It is our hope to help you as a parent navigate these important topics and give you all pertinent angles to topics.  You are  likely very busy and look for ways to be a more informed parent, but without staying up all night doing it. 

As always we leave with you with . . . 

You CAN Have Success in the Middle of it ALL 

Links mentioned in podcast:
  • Bragging and accomplishment talking points become HUGE at this age.  Here's a checklist and system to keep you from looking in the attic at midnight for those much needed documents.  They can have it all ready when they need it (free).  Learn interview talking point strategies, creative documentation strategies, and how to identify skills they already have.

  • Is LinkedIn right for your older teen?  Hear both pro's and con's.  When you finish listening, you'll have a strong idea of whether or not to encourage your teen+ to jump in to this professional networking system. 

About JellyGeneration and
"Parenting Your Nearly Grown JUST. GOT. EASIER."  Podcast

Pam Hardison, MBA, BBA in Finance and Business Education, has created and co-owned a national mail order catalog which at one point was the 21st fastest growing customer base in the nation.  As a mom of two post college daughters, she considers it a privilege and to meet other students and parents along the same road.   After teaching high school and college students for years, her commitment to helping them with topics most schools can't cover is the light that drives her.  

Holly Powers, Attorney-At-Law (Jameson & Powers, P.C.) has been actively practicing law since 1985 and is a shareholder with the law firm of Jameson & Powers, P.C.  The firm specializes in transactional law, health care law, and general business law.  Holly has taught students precepts concerning the legal world for over 10 years.  With 4 children, she understands what teens need to know and has a passion to help others faced with teens and aging parents.

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