Free Resource to Help Organize Teen  "Bragging Documentation" 

Your teen needs to "brag" on resumes, applications and more.                    Get organized.  Get creative. Get a system.  Be ready.  

Meet JellyGeneration

As professional working moms living in the infamous "sandwich generation" with kids and aging parents, Pam & Holly decided to own that space joyfully.   They've taught hundreds of students/parents/adults how to make the financial, legal, and habit-creation world understandable and fun.  Join them as they share what they've taught and learned along the way.  Yes, you can have success in the middle of it all !

Get their full story here

Welcome to Our Neighborhood

We love to laugh, talk, and learn from each other.

Need Help with a Teaching Roadmap for your "Nearly Flown" young adult?

Here's a FREE 12-page parent guide to help you with teaching your young adult vital lessons generally not covered in a traditional school environment.  


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